Today was Sunday! I LOVE this day! I look forward to it every day of the week!
When Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin gave the talk, "Sunday Will Come" in a previous General Conference I, for the first time, really gained a testimony and desire for Sunday to come each week! It brought me to an understanding of the importance of our Sunday worship and the importance/significance of that day! Since then it has always been one of my very favorite talks!
We have six days to go about the rest of our business in the world and one day to set aside to the Lord and to renew our energy, strength, and testimony! It is so needed! When I think of all that happens throughout the week that can bring us down, the little occurences that weaken or discourage us it only makes that day even more important!
The opportunity we have to partake of the sacrament each week is a needed and welcomed reminder of the covenants I have made with my Father in Heaven. Most days we don't have the time to step back and remember or think on those covenants like we are able to on Sunday! I am sincerely thankful for this opportunity!
We all have our own Fridays; sometimes too often! It seems like they will never leave but they do and they will because we have a Savior who atoned for each son or daughter of God that they might repent and be enabled to battle the storms we encounter in life!
I hope your Sunday was splendid and that it proved to be a day of renewal! I will leave you with the words of an apostle because he says it so much better than I do! I testify that his words are true and that our Sunday will come when we need it most!
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