I might have indulged (just a bit)!
Okay, maybe a lot!
Please don't judge!
I have eaten way to many no-bake cookies in the last three days than should even be termed half-way acceptable!
You want some don't you! |
They tasted, oh so good though! Does that make it okay?
If not, well, I guess the deed is done and there is no going back!
So, I will go to zumba in the morning and try to work it off!
Ha, I don't think I could burn that many calories in three hours of zumba. I better be bouncin'!
Also, I made yummy, good for the soul, home-made chicken pot pie last night!
And, while we are making confessions I stayed in my sweats today until 2:30 p.m.
Also, for you to ponder on a bit is a thought that has enveloped my mind lately:
A religion teacher once told me that it is vital we pay attention and take the words of general conference to our hearts because the leaders are guided to say what we need in our lives! So, when I heard President Monson's talk in the Genreal Relief Society meeting I knew instantly that the women of the church in this day needed that message! That includes me! Have we let ourselves judge others unrighteously? Evidently we have so no more justifying our judgements!
His talk brought me to my own fault of wrongly judging others at times in my life. One statement that hits me to the depths of my heart and mind is this:
"I ask: if attitudes, deeds, and spiritual inclinations were reflected in physical features, would the countenance of the woman who complained be as lovely as that of the woman she criticized?"
I needed to internalize this! What would my reflection be if my attitudes, deeds, and spiritual incinations reflected my physcial features?
We are all fighting HARD battles! Battles we would not wish on anyone else because our hearts know the hurt that they bring! We never know the battle others are fighting deep inside their hearts! We instinctively hide these parts of ourselves because we don't want to be judged! So, I hope that we take the words of President Thomas S. Monson (and all the other apostles) to heart and learn to change!
In another talk called, "Meeting Your Goliath" by President Monson he said this:
"Well might we look carefully into our own lives and judge our courage, our faith. Is there a Goliath in your life? Is there one in mine? Does he stand between you and your desired happiness? Your Goliath may not carry a sword or insult you in public so that all may hear and force you to make a decision. He may not be three meters tall, but he likely will appear equally as formidable, and his silent challenge may shame and embarrass...The battle for our souls is no less important than the battle fought by David. The enemy is no less fearful, the help of Almighty God no farther away. What will our action be? Like David of old, “our cause is just.” We have been placed upon earth not to fail or fall victim to temptation’s trap, but rather to succeed. Our giant, our Goliath, must be conquered."
What words of wisdom!!! I hope that thought touches your heart like it has mine and that your secret battles, your Goliath will be fought bravely, corageously, and righteously!