
I Miss Him

I miss him A LOT!!! My husband that is!

He is gone! He is at work until 7 a.m. tomorrow morning! He worked all day! From 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. He came home...we had dinner...watched a movie...and then he was off to work again!

He was supposed to have the night off but after a family emergency for the guy who was going to work night shift he is working half the night!

I don't know how he does it! He is crazy! I am grateful he is such a hard worker though! I am grateful he loves me! I am grateful he took ten minutes to cuddle with me before he had to head off to work tonight! I am grateful he is mine! I am grateful Heavenly Father knew he was exactly what I needed! I am grateful he understands me!

I can't wait to see him in the morning and get a hug and a kiss! ;-)

Love is great! Love is wonderful! It is beautiful!

My husband is amazing!



This week...

I am spending my time with...

My amazing mom!!!

So far we have been to Multinomah Falls, had yummy fudge, watched a really good movie called "I am David" (thanks for recommending that one Dad Benson), done some shopping, got hair cuts (even shorter than last time), died her hair, and we are off to do more!

P.S. My mom looks like a hot mama with her new hair cut and dye! I am just bragging a bit because I picked out her hair cut and died her hair! ;-) And, if you are wondering, my hair is so short! It's above my shoulders! Holy cow! It's taking some getting used to since I haven't had it this short since like kindergarten! While in the salon my mom was just staring at me and I looked at her and said, "What?" She said, "I'm just trying to picture you with short hair! It's been so long!" Today she said, I used to scream when someone would try to cut my hair! I haven't had it this short since first grade! That's a long time, people! Shanon and I might just look alike again! ;-)

Oh, and I must say, I will be spending time with...

My gorgeous twin sister, Shanon Carlie!!! She got all the looks, I know!

We will pick her up tonight!

Then, I should see...

My dad in the next couple days too!!!

Life is good when you are with family! Thanks for having meetings in Washington, Dad! I appreciate it!

Family truly is where the heart is!


I Needed This

I really needed these two messages today! As I sat listening to them this morning, I cried tears of understanding! "I learned that no matter how well prepared you think you are, there are hills on the course!" and that my Heavenly Father hears me when I come to him saying, "I hope you know I had a hard time today!"

The Spirit taught me I am not alone and that the Savior will strengthen me!

Please listen to and remember these messages:



Lovely Autumn

So, Nate and I have been yearning for fall colors around here. The trees haven't changed in town that much and they are still changing out of town. However, a couple weekends ago Nate and I were finally able to head to Silverton Falls! It is a State Park with ten different falls that you can hike around too! We didn't go to all of them because we didn't have the time. We really enjoyed ourselves though and the amazing colors of Autumn that were all around us! I especially loved all the leaves on the path! Here are some pictures of our day! They just do not do it justice though. Whenever any of you are up this way come visit and we will take you!

The first fall we saw!

Another fall!

Nate's cheesy smile in a little cave underneath the waterfall!

It was cool to walk behind and under the waterfall!

Don't these trees look creepy to you? I wish I had one in my house for Halloween!
Our shoes!!! Randomness!

We had to take pictures on this fun little tree stool!!!

My turn!

I loved the million leaves on our path!

We had some fun at this little bridge!

Double Falls

Doesn't that tree at the bottom look cool? This was my favorite!

My second favorite!

Isn't nature beautiful! As you can see we had fun and we took lots of pictures! I hope you didn't mind the picture overload!

And a quick thought for the day:

"Never let a problem to be solved become more important than a person to be loved!"
-Thomas S. Monson/ "Finding Joy in the Journey"

Click on the link to listen to some inspiring words of wisdom! I listened yesterday and I promise you won't be dissapointed!


Sweet Indulgences & Pondering Words of Wisdom


I might have indulged (just a bit)!

Okay, maybe a lot!

Please don't judge!

I have eaten way to many no-bake cookies in the last three days than should even be termed half-way acceptable!

You want some don't you!

They tasted, oh so good though! Does that make it okay?

If not, well, I guess the deed is done and there is no going back!

So, I will go to zumba in the morning and try to work it off!

Ha, I don't think I could burn that many calories in three hours of zumba. I better be bouncin'!

Also, I made yummy, good for the soul, home-made chicken pot pie last night!

And, while we are making confessions I stayed in my sweats today until 2:30 p.m.


Also, for you to ponder on a bit is a thought that has enveloped my mind lately:

A religion teacher once told me that it is vital we pay attention and take the words of general conference to our hearts because the leaders are guided to say what we need in our lives! So, when I heard President Monson's talk in the Genreal Relief Society meeting I knew instantly that the women of the church in this day needed that message! That includes me! Have we let ourselves judge others unrighteously? Evidently we have so no more justifying our judgements!

His talk brought me to my own fault of wrongly judging others at times in my life. One statement that hits me to the depths of my heart and mind is this:

"I ask: if attitudes, deeds, and spiritual inclinations were reflected in physical features, would the countenance of the woman who complained be as lovely as that of the woman she criticized?"

I needed to internalize this! What would my reflection be if my attitudes, deeds, and spiritual incinations reflected my physcial features?

We are all fighting HARD battles! Battles we would not wish on anyone else because our hearts know the hurt that they bring! We never know the battle others are fighting deep inside their hearts! We instinctively hide these parts of ourselves because we don't want to be judged! So, I hope that we take the words of President Thomas S. Monson (and all the other apostles) to heart and learn to change!

In another talk called, "Meeting Your Goliath" by President Monson he said this:

"Well might we look carefully into our own lives and judge our courage, our faith. Is there a Goliath in your life? Is there one in mine? Does he stand between you and your desired happiness? Your Goliath may not carry a sword or insult you in public so that all may hear and force you to make a decision. He may not be three meters tall, but he likely will appear equally as formidable, and his silent challenge may shame and embarrass...The battle for our souls is no less important than the battle fought by David. The enemy is no less fearful, the help of Almighty God no farther away. What will our action be? Like David of old, “our cause is just.” We have been placed upon earth not to fail or fall victim to temptation’s trap, but rather to succeed. Our giant, our Goliath, must be conquered."

What words of wisdom!!! I hope that thought touches your heart like it has mine and that your secret battles, your Goliath will be fought bravely, corageously, and righteously!


Getting Rid of a Migraine

Here is the post I was talking about last week!

First, a little background is necessary! A couple weeks ago I had a bit of a long day! I did a lot of shopping and then scrapbooking for the baby shower I went to that night. Well, headaches have been a constant in my life lately because I have neglected to see a chiropractor for the past two months! That day I was battling a headache most the day but was busy doing things I didn't bother to do anything about it. I went to a baby shower that night and by the time it was over I was done for. The headache was threatning to turn into a migraine and my back/neck were not happy either!

So, when I left I had a text to call Nate. I did and he wanted me to stop at Wal Mart and get a drink. I didn't quite understand except figuring maybe he was just craving something other than water or gatorade (the only drinks we keep on a regular basis)! So, I stopped since wal mart is only a minute from our apartment. By this time, that threatning migraine was no longer threatning. It engulfed my head and as soon as I got to my car a couple tears may have escaped my eyes!

I drive home, and find a note on the door and my door locked! It was a card from my husband! I knocked...he answered...made me hang out in the kitchen for a minute while he finished dinner (we ate late that night)!

Well, do you want to know why I was banned to the kitchen? I sure wanted to know! This is what he was hiding!

You can not see especially well but he had rose petals and little pink candles everywhere. It was so pretty with the lights off! And, yes, you are right! I got a massage after dinner!

He also had this waiting for me!

A warm, candle lit bubble bath for me!

My room also had a vase full of roses on the dresser! He is so sweet and he couldn't have picked a better night! At first I felt really bad because I was on the verge of tears from a migraine but he pampered me until my migraine dissapeared!

I knew there was a reason I married him! There are oh so many more reasons too!

Thank you babe, you are the man of my dreams without a doubt!


A Couple Things I Like Today

I know I promised a post on how to get rid of a "horrible, no-good, migraine" but I just can't do it right now because I have this headache, runny nose, and watering eyes that won't let me focus for a very long period of time.

Sorry. What you get is what you get!

Today, I will be letting you in on a couple things that I like as of the last few days!

On Thursday, at the temple, I realized something! I felt BEAUTIFUL!  I really felt so beautiful! It's not like I think I'm ugly but most girls find a million things about themselves that they wouldn't mind bypassing or trading for the nose, hair, eyes, or etc. that is a little more attractive. Attraction is all by opinion though, right? 

Portland, OR temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

Anyways, if you are feeling like you just don't look so hott, even though  your husband continues to tell you, you are! The solution is to just GO TO THE TEMPLE! Every time I go to the temple, I feel beautiful! Even this last Thursday when my hair was pulled in a pony-tail and I was not feeling so beautiful, when I found myself in the temple, the thought came to my mind that I am indeed beautiful!

Disclaimer: I am not conceited! It's just easier to feel better about yourself when you focus on WHO you are and WHOSE you are!

Also, did you watch General Conference today? I did! I loved it! It also made me feel beautiful, even in my pajamas, gracing the world (well, just my husband thankfully) with my bed-head hair, and smeared mascara I didn't wash off last night! That is right! It reminded me WHO and WHOSE I am! I am a daughter of God, wife to Nathan Benson, daughter of Darrell and Cindy Oler, sister to amazing siblings, and a DIVINE, DAUGHTER OF GOD! Is there anything better? I felt loved, beautiful, needed, wanted, and divine in all my pajama, old mascara, bed-head hair GLORY! 

Watch General Conference in the morning and see if you feel the same way! I hope you do!

Want to know something more!!! 
Here you go:

My Joyful Moment of the Day: My adorable neice Maleah in her amazingly clear words saying, "I love you Aunt Sharon!, I miss you!, I love you Nate!" over the phone to me tonight! Tears may have been trying to escape from my eyes! Tears of joy because Hello, who wouldn't feel joy, and tears of sadness as I yearned to jump through the phone and bear hug the little girl!

My "I can live without this!" Moment of the Day: This runny nose and Nate heading off to work a night shift!