

Dear Kamden,

I feel a deep gratitude for you today, my little boy. Although, sometime a tough one, motherhood is my calling in life. I feel it every time I see your sweet smile, hear your contagious giggle, cradle your tired body in my arms, or dance with you around the living room. It's the greatest calling I have ever journeyed through and I'm grateful you were willing to help me learn to be a mother. I don't always learn so easy; sometimes it takes a while but you teach me how to be more patient every day through your example. You may want your bottle "now" and you may want to be held or put down on your own time schedule but your ability to be patient while I'm learning speaks volumes to my heart.

You forgive me almost instantly and you never hold a grudge. When Christ said to become like a little child he was speaking to me. He was telling me to become a little more like you. I've never been more blessed than the day I held you in my arms for the first time. I didn't understand then the full extent of what was going to happen to me, the change that would take place inside me, and how much I would grow. You know more than most people how imperfect I am but despite that you are willing to call me mom, let me kiss you better, hug you tight when life gets hard after a good bonk to the head, and to nourish you in body, mind, and spirit.

I'm convinced that you will never leave my side because it will just be too hard the day you grow up and decide you take care of yourself. I guess, I'll cross that path once we come to it.

I love you,


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