
Thrush, I Hate You

We are fighting a cursed problem in our house (or Kamden's mouth)...

It's called Thrush (yeast infection located in the mouth) and Kamden and I have had quite enough of it!

We first noticed that Kamden had a yeast infection on his little thighs and the doctor recommended we get some Lotrimin Anti Fungal to treat it. We applied it 3 times a day like he said...it went away shortly after. End of story, right? Not quite!

I had also been dealing with pain during feedings with Kamden. I would get burning, shooting pain during his feedings sometimes and after. I researched online trying to figure it out. I thought it might be a few things. I tried different treatments and it wasn't working. I kept researching. Later, I noticed white spots on Kamden's cheeks. I had noticed on his tongue before but figured it was milk from nursing. However, the white spots forced me to think it was thrush which I had heard about before. I researched it...that was when I found out what was causing my pain as well! Yep, it was that cursed problem, the Thrush.

A doctors appt. two days after the last one and another co-pay later it was confirmed. One prescription later and he still had the cursed problem...this time worse than before! In the words of the doctor he has "an impressive case of thrush."(Seriously, are you kidding?)

One more doctors appt., two more prescriptions, no weight gain in a week and a half (caused by not wanting to eat because of a sore mouth aka Thrush), and $125.00 (for prescriptions) later brings us to today! Not only that but we now have another doctors appt. in a week and a half (as well as another co-pay) for a weight check.

If it's not cleared up by then I might go insane! 

For being a healthy baby he's had an awful lot of doctors appointments (and co-pay's) in the last month. Today was his fifth doctors appointment and he is only a month old!

 Here's to hoping the next month goes by a little better!

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