Alright, so we know I have a lot to blog about still and I'm trying to catch up but not getting there fast enough. However, I've decided to take a little time this month to also try and keep a little grateful journal via my blog! I haven't been very grateful the past couple months while I've been focusing on endless loads of homework, feeling nauseous in my pregnancy, even still at 15 weeks, dealing with the fits of my very independent, and sometimes opinionated 14 month old cutie, and then just trying to deal with the trials that seem to stick around for a lifetime. These are the reasons I need to be grateful. I have forgotten too many days to remember the reasons why I can and should be grateful and this is a great excuse to help remind me!
Today, I am grateful for a healthy body. Although, it seems my body and I have been at war the last few months and pregnancy seems to increase my back and hip pain from previous injuries, for the most part this body of mine is healthy. I've never had any major health problems that I can remember. My mom and dad dealt with the brunt of that while I was a small child. They got to deal with the stress and worry of my having a tumor in my spinal column but since then there have been no extended stays in the hospital for any reason.
I am especially grateful right now that my body has the ability to be viable for pregnancy, to carry my babies, to nourish them, and to birth them without any major problems. It is a miracle what the human body can do and when I think of these things I am amazed for God truly created something wonderful, personal, and intensely intricate for each one of us in this second estate. What a blessing!
Me at 15 weeks pregnant! I feel huge just like any pregnant woman around this time, right? |
When I hear of a sweet 11 year old girl we know of fighting cancer, people unable to carry beautiful babies, friends and family who spend most of their life in pain, and those who don't have the health I have it makes me realize how amazing our bodies are and how grateful I am that mine, my husbands, and my sweet Kamden's is pretty darn healthy!
Hey! Isn't it so fun to do grateful posts. I wish I could keep up with your blog but I rarely have the internet. Keep posted for one of my upcoming posts I'm working on. ;) P.S. Congrats on the pregnancy! That is so super exciting! :)