
Grateful Post: Day #8

Alright, I am going to continue on my streak with people I am grateful for and add my sister, Sara! When we were younger we weren't so very close in High School and such but once we all grew up a little we have since become so much closer and it makes me so grateful because I don't know what I'd do without her advice and help with some things.

Sara with Kamden Christmas 2011
Really, I call her all the time for advice on my little guy, on cooking, or cleaning, primary help, and so much more. She's always willing to listen to what I'm concerned about whether big or small and then gives me advice I can use! Not only that but I got to live with Sara and her beautiful family for about a year. This was a really hard time in my life and she, as well as Clay, her great husband, took me in and loved me to pieces! They showed so much kindness, loving concern, and sincerity while I lived with them that I grew to love them ten fold that year.

Shanon, Sara, and Me from left to right at Shylo and Marcus' Wedding and our Prom
 It is unfortunate that we live in Maryland because I wish Kamden could play with her cute kids more often. While we were in Idaho, Kamden chased Maleah and Kaitlyn around everywhere they went and when he wasn't doing that he would play with little Carter! It warmed my soul and I can't wait until we are close to family so he can play with his cousins all the time!

Maleah, Me, My mom, Sara, and Kaitlyn a few years ago.
 Thanks so much Sara! I truly, sincerely appreciate you!

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